In Finding Allies, Building Alliances, Mike Leavitt and Rich McKeown use their personal public and private sector experiences to help readers understand that challenges extend far beyond them and their organizations. Finding solutions to larger issues requires cooperation between diverse stakeholders, and in this rapidly changing world, only those able to adapt and network successfully will produce fast, competitive solutions. The 8 elements required for a collaborative network to succeed detailed in the book are:
1. A Common Pain—a shared problem that motivates different people/groups to work together in ways that could otherwise seem counterintuitive.
2. A Convener of Stature—a respected and influential presence who can bring people to the table and, when necessary, keep them there.
3. Representatives of Substance—collaborative participants must bring the right mix of experience and expertise for legitimacy and have the authority to make decisions.
4. Committed Leaders—individuals who possess the skill, creativity, dedication and tenacity to move an alliance forward even when it hits the inevitable rough patches.
5. A Clearly Defined Purpose—a driving idea that keeps people on task rather than being sidetracked by complexity, ambiguity and other distractions
6. A Formal Charter—established rules that help resolve differences and avoid stalemates.
7. The Northbound Train—an intuitive confidence that an alliance will get to its destination, achieve something of unique value, and that those who aren’t on board will be disadvantaged.
8. A Common Information Base—keeps everyone in the loop and avoids divisive secrets and opaqueness.
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